Saturday, January 17, 2009

"It was just on the web site, not in print."

I've heard the headline of this post from clients and colleagues in the past. You probably have too.

Sure nothing can compare to actually holding the fruit of your labor. But if a client is (still) questioning the value of online placement vs. print placement, you should show them this video.

The Online Media from RealWire on Vimeo.

New rules for new tools. Google's ability to catalog and cache the interwebs means online clips gain value over time. Can you say the same about last week's newspaper?


  1. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Thanks for featuring the video Kevin. We produced it to help people (if only in a small way) in exactly the situation you describe. Great to know it hits the spot :-)

    Thanks again

  2. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Great video! Fantastic use of visuals to illustrate the point.

  3. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Consumption (shelf life) is definitely an issue with printed media.

    With media outlets aggressively making headway online, reverse syndication and user generated content (available for search 'into the future') may be a critical part of the solution for these businesses.

  4. Anonymous8:03 PM

    I used this video last week to show a client the impacts possible. It worked. They got it. You can follow the creators here on the CEO's twitter @AdParker.


  5. Anonymous2:08 PM

    For me, the best thing about this video is that it outlines the value of online placement in a very simple way, without showing any of the frustration that a PR person may have when trying to explain this to a client.

  6. Anonymous6:47 PM

    But how do you offer evidence during the evaluation of online clips? Especially as it can be difficult to get exact visitor numbers, etc.

  7. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I've gotta be honest - if you think a placement in Wired's blog is as good as a placement in the magazine then you're kidding yourself. I certainly see benefit in online placements - they do get (limited) readership, they have hyperlinks that can drive people directly to the product/service and they have SEO benefits.

    But, pound for pound, print placement gets us more results than anything. Period.

  8. "But, pound for pound, print placement gets us more results than anything. Period."

    I'll put an asterik next to that period. Absolute statements in media relations are foolish.

    Your specific example might be true. But over time, you'll benefit more from having a mix of both. And any client that refuses coverage in a print property's online companion is missing the bigger picture.

  9. I agree with Kevin... Making absolute statements about media relations is *very* short-sighted, and discounts the credibility of the comment itself.

    What's 'more results than anything' mean? Is it more eyeballs? Not necessarily. How many people actually read a magazine cover-to-cover? Are you absolutely sure that the person *read* your product's mention? With online, readers are more *active* -- they may have found your mention via search, or trackbacks to the piece.

    In addition, the MSM picks up stories online, and goes online for research, so that placement lives on far longer than the newspaper that is now lining the litterbox, or the magazine that is left in the bathroom. As the video also says, bloggers may pick up the story as well -- and then the aforementioned MSM may take notice. It also has the opportunity to go GLOBAL, which less likely for a US-based long-lead pub. I won't even go into the fact that the run-up time makes most info covered in mags very old by the time they're published.

    So, once again, how do you quantify "more results than anything"? Are you talking 'impressions' that the client likes? That's pretty thin...

  10. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Great visuals. Your video was a great compliment to a recent blog post I wrote about keeping up with the changes in the today's (struggling) news industry. It's important to convince clients that online news is just as important as print, and more accessible.

  11. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Really great video - I've seen a few others out there , like "How to explain Social Media to your Boss," and these are great tools to share with clients and my peers in the office.

    Thanks for sharing!


  12. Anonymous1:04 PM

    This is brilliant. Thanks for sharing. Our clients are increasingly embracing the value of online placements, but they still don't completely "get it". This will certainly help!

  13. Anonymous7:47 AM

    If you shoot an TV advert that only runs online, is it still TV? Moreover, "online" acts as the one (and only) ubiquitous channel to ALL other media (TV, Radio, Print, et al.) Therefore, don't think TV versus interactive, Not Radio versus interactive, Not Print or Billboard versus interactive. Rather, what can be achieved when ALL mass media drives-to-web.
