Thursday, August 14, 2014

At A Loss For Words

The following pitch was received by a journalist friend of mine yesterday.  I will not comment on it.  I guess this is why Kevin and I started this blog in the first place. Read at your own risk.

"Robin Williams’ tragic death leaves consumers at high risk of identity theft. The 1.2 billion people already endangered from the massive Russian hacking just got more vulnerable as identity thieves lure curious citizens with links promising details about Robin Williams.
Cyber security expert Steve Weisman, founder of, author of Identity Theft Alert & seasoned media interview can talk about: 
· Celebrity tragedies and how they endanger consumers – Amy Winehouse, Whitney Houston and now Robin Williams
· How to spot tainted emails, texts and Facebook links to ‘unreleased police photos’
· The urgency of cyber security in light of the recent Russian breach 
· Likelihood of spear phishing and increased cybercrime following the Russian breach
· Tips for consumers to protect themselves
Would you like to set up an interview with Steve Weisman?
Contact Sarah Gadway...for interview requests or for a review copy of Identity Theft Alert.
Thanks for your time"

RIP Robin Williams


  1. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Horrific. Also, all the brands offering condolences on social media. STFU! You have nothing to add to a sad situation.

  2. Another addition to the "if you ever do this I will hunt you down and beat you" spiel I give my PR students every year.

  3. Tying a pitch to the news of the moment has reached an all time low. Sad. Very sad. Oh, and desperate.

  4. Anonymous2:36 PM

    So wrong, on so many levels...

  5. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Honestly, I don't see anything wrong with it - its true, its tasteless, but its exactly the sort of thing the public will have an interest in finding out more.

  6. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I agree with "anonymous". Sorry!
